Fixed Assets

  1. Fixed Assets

Finance & Accounts

Fixed Assets

Outsourcing of fixed assets records accounting represents a complete service constituting in taking over the fixed assets records and inventory handling by our company. The level of records takeover depends on client's specific requirements. Moreover, all the assets information is constantly available to the client. Such service introduction is often preceded by bar code system implementation. Upon the full takeover of fixed assets records, the following activities are performed:

  • Keeping of fixed assets analytical accounts by use of specialized database software
  • Processing of requests (inserting, deleting, transferring, technical appreciation) within defined reaction time
  • Remote customer's access to the data in 24/7 mode
  • Regular and emergency fixed assets inventory service
  • Generating of printed and/or electronic data files according to customer's needs

  • Maintenance of depreciation schedules and fixed asset registers of a business is a time consuming process and often smaller assets can be missed or simply ignored because of the cost and complexity of maintaining an accurate record. Outsourcing this function to RSSG can allow these processes to be improved. This aspect of any business will become more and more important during the financial crisis facing the world today.